If you feel you are losing control of your gambling, you can immediately ban yourself (temporarily or permanently) from betting with us. Both online account exclusions as well as TAB Agency and Licensed Venue Exclusions are available – refer to the information below for the relevant State-based programs.
If gambling has become a problem for you, we encourage you to also consider seeking self-exclusion from any other betting agencies that you may have accounts with. If you require assistance in excluding from accounts Gambling Help are able to assist.
At TAB we take our safer gambling commitments seriously. If you have concerns with your gambling, then self-exclusion / barring may be an effective way to manage your gambling.
You can initiate Account Self-Exclusions / Barrings via our website, App or by calling 1800 646 132. Once your request is processed your account will be closed, funds withdrawn (following finalisation of any pending bets) and you will receive no further contact from us as soon as practicable.
Exclusions are intended to apply across all of your wagering accounts, meaning that if you self-exclude from one account, you should nominate all accounts for exclusion. We will endeavour to identify any other wagering accounts that you have and close them as an exclusion.
Where permitted, if you would like to be a customer again after the nominated exclusion / barring period has elapsed, you will be required to comply with the requirements as established in your residential jurisdiction and in accordance with TAB's requirements to seek gambling counselling. TAB reserves the right to decline any account re-opening requests of a previously self-excluded / barred customer.
BetStop - the National Self-Exclusion Register™ allows you to exclude yourself from all online wagering services in Australia for a minimum of 3 months up to a lifetime in one simple process.
If you self-exclude, online wagering service providers are required to close your betting accounts and must not:
You can register on BetStop - the National Self-Exclusion Register™ by calling 1800 238 786 or by following this link https://betstop.gov.au.
Don’t have an account with us but want to self-exclude / bar yourself from having an account in the future? NT offers exclusion from any Sports Bookmaker or Betting Operator. If you would like to be excluded from a Sports Bookmaker or Betting Operator please complete the NT Self-Exclusion Notice.
| NSW | VIC | SA | ACT | QLD | TAS | NT |
Minimum Period | 12 months | 12 months | 3 months or specified barring period | 6 months | 12 months (24hr cooling off period applies) | 6 months | 12 months if nominated during the 72hr cooling off period, otherwise permanent |
Requirements | Letter of support from a recognised counselling service
| Letter of support from a recognised counselling service
VIC/NSW TABCare Self-Exclusion Revocation Application Form
| SA Revocation and Re-activation Application Form
| Letter of support from a recognised counselling service | Letter of support from a recognised counselling service
QLD/TAS/NT Revocation and Re-activation Application Form
| Letter of support from a recognised counselling service
QLD/TAS/NT Revocation and Re-activation Application Form
| Letter of support from a recognised counselling service
TAB’s TABCare Program allows you to voluntarily self-exclude yourself from betting at nominated TAB Agencies and participating Hotels and Clubs in Victoria and/or NSW.
You can self-exclude for a period of between 6 months to 24 months. Once your self-exclusion period is met, you will be provided with an option to extend your self-exclusion, or you will be able to return to betting in the nominated TAB Agencies and participating Hotels and Clubs.
The TABCare Program allows you to self-exclude from betting at up to 15 TAB Agencies and/or 15 participating Hotels and Clubs in Victoria or NSW. We offer self-exclusion for periods of 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months. Any TAB betting accounts in your name will be suspended for the duration of your self-exclusion. The onus is on you as the voluntary participant to enrol in the TABCare Program in good faith and ensure TAB is updated with any changes to your contact details.
Please refer to the TABCare Brochure for further information.
If you wish to participate in TABCare, complete the Request to Enrol in the TABCare Self-Exclusion Program and provide the following:
Submit the completed form and accompanying attachments via:
You will be contacted by a TABCare representative to confirm your enrolment in the TABCare Program. Once confirmed, TAB will provide the nominated TAB Agencies and/or Hotels and Clubs with a copy of your photograph. This will allow venues to be aware of your self-exclusion and assist them in recognising you if you enter their venue.
During your self-exclusion you must not bet or attempt to bet in the TAB Agencies and/or Licensed Venues you nominated.
Before your exclusion ends you will be provided the option to extend your exclusion. If you have excluded for 12 months or more you will need to acknowledge your exclusion expiry, otherwise we will extend your self-exclusion period by 6 months and remind you again at the end of the extension of your exclusion period.
For more information or assistance, please contact our TABCare Customer Support Staff on 1800 882 876 or download a copy of the TABCare Brochure.
You are able to request to revoke your TABCare self-exclusion prior to your nominated self-exclusion period ending however you must seek assistance from a recognised NSW / VIC Gambling Counsellor who must produce a letter supporting your application to revoke your participation in the TABCare Retail Self-Exclusion Program.
If you wish to revoke your participation in TABCare, complete the Application to Revoke Participation in the TABCare Self-Exclusion Program and provide the following:
Submit the completed application and accompanying attachments via:
You can self-exclude yourself from gambling at all ACT facilities including Clubs and Taverns and all ACT TAB facilities including Agencies, On-Course and online gambling facilities for any period between 6 months and 3 years. The exclusion will automatically expire at the end of your nominated period unless an application to revoke the exclusion is received prior to the expiration date. You must complete a Self-Exclusion from Gambling Deed, and lodge it with the ACT Gambling & Racing Commission. You can obtain assistance to complete your self-exclusion by:
For more information refer to:
You can apply at any time to revoke your self-exclusion by completing an Application to Revoke Self-Exclusion and sending it to the ACT Gambling & Racing Commission. You can also ask to revoke your self-exclusion by contacting a venue you are excluded from. There is a seven day “cooling off” period after the application is made before the revocation becomes effective.
For more information or assistance with completing this application please contact the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission on 02 6207 0359 or the ACT Gambling Counselling and Support Service on 1800 858 858.
You can bar yourself from retail gambling by asking any TAB facility staff member within an Agency or Licensed Venue. You will be asked to fill out the relevant Barring Order Form, provide photo identification and a photograph. If you would like to be barred from multiple venues, the venue can do this on your behalf.
You can also request to be barred from a TAB agency or Licensed Venue by contacting Consumer and Business Services SA directly. If you are worried about the gambling behaviour of someone you know, you can also initiate a third party barring.
The gambling helpline is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1800 858 858.
For more information:
Barring orders expire at the end of your nominated period. You can select to be barred for a minimum of 3 months up to an indefinite period.
Venues are required to assist any person requesting a self-exclusion. Once in effect, self-exclusion remains in force for up to 5 years, but you have a cooling-off period of 24 hours.
You can ask Gambling Help Service to help you self-exclude from one or several venues without needing to physically enter a venue. This is known as remote self-exclusion / multi venue exclusion.
A nominated person at the venue (usually known as the customer liaison officer) will explain the exclusion process to you. They are required to provide you with the self-exclusion forms and the contact details of your local Gambling Help service.
For more information:
If you feel your situation has changed, you may lodge an application to revoke/cancel your exclusion with the gambling venue. An application may only be made one year from the day after the exclusion was issued.
The Tasmanian Gambling Exclusion Scheme (TGES) provides the means for patrons to self exclude from venues. This is organised through a counsellor who, in addition to assisting with the self-exclusion process, is able to help with gambling problems.
If you are worried about the gambling behaviour of someone you know, you can also initiate a third party barring.
For more information:
A self-exclusion lasts for a maximum of three years and may not be revoked within the first six months. After it has been in place for six months it may be revoked through a Gamblers Help counsellor.
You can apply to exclude yourself from gambling venues in the NT using the NT Gambling Care system. This system enables you to exclude yourself from multiple venues with one application.
To do this you need to speak with a counsellor or a community liaison officer at a gambling venue.
They will enter your details into an online system and print a self-exclusion deed for you to sign.
You can also apply in-person to exclude yourself from a specific venue. This process must be repeated for each individual venue you want to be excluded from. You will need to fill in a self-exclusion notice which is an agreement not to gamble at a venue.
For more information:
Self-exclusions can be for up to two years. After that, you can either choose to fill in another self-exclusion notice or end your agreement not to gamble.
Sometimes we need support to help manage our gambling activity. We recommend you first contact the National Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858. The Helpline provides free online support for anyone affected by gambling and will direct you to a more specialised service in your state that is specific to your circumstances.
We also offer a referral to a range of independent Support Services which provide different contact methods together with free and confidential advice.
If you need support, contact one of the below providers:
CHANCES ARE YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE. For free and confidential support call 1800 858 858 or visit gamblinghelponline.org.au. Tabcorp’s gambling operations are governed by its Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct and for South Australian residents by the South Australian Responsible Gambling Code of Practice. Exclude yourself from all Australian online wagering services via www.betstop.gov.au, BetStop - the National Self-Exclusion Register(TM)